The Tea Party Problem

Now I have written about the Tea Party several times and some of the ass backwards thought processes they have, but I also do agree with some of their views and thoughts in principle. What I agree with is that government should be transparent, that civil liberties should be restored and that government needs to get its hands off certain things. I also agree that Obamacare is a very stuffed piece of legislation, necessary though it is. Where they lose me is by refusing, at all, to be moderate or to work with liberals or democrats at all. It is what coined the Tea Party as the party of no. With darlings like Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio they feel like they have taken it to the establishment of the GOP and showed them that they, the Tea Party, mean business. What they have really done in retrospect, is decimate their own political goals using a mixture of cut and paste and smash and grab.

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The Debate Episode 4: Incorrect Geography vs Horses and Bayonets

Here is the final debate of the major candidates of the election. Looking back at the first 2 Presidential debates we saw Romney win round 1, then Obama win round 2…coming into round 3 was going to be interesting because it was mostly based around foreign policy. Based on that you would think that Romney would have a slight advantage with Obama having a rough outing when it has come to foreign…everything really. He had a very easy argument to work with…could he drive it home? When they touched onto domestic issues could Romney stay true to his message? Despite what you may think this was more of seeing Romney than Obama. Romney needs to prove that his views are consistent and explain them…using these little things called details. Did he do it? Let us double check.

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